Taking the Xero out of your Memory since 2009…

Welcome to XeroMem IRC

Welcome to the XeroMem IRC Network.  XeroMem… Taking the Xero out of your Memory since 2009!

The XeroMem IRC Network is an entirely free service that allows our users, both visitors and regulars, to chat with friends, family, and strangers throughout the world.  The network is an Open-Access IRC Network that welcomes new users, channels, groups, and/or associations, regardless of their geographical location.  We’re excited to share the IRC Experience with you.

Current Network Statistics

We currently have 48 users on the network.  They are chatting in 39 channels. Here’s a list of our currently linked servers.

Network Servers

Server Name Current Users
marble.ca.us.xeromem.com 20
eggdrop.ny.us.xeromem.com 25
sanity.xeromem.com 3
phoenix.xeromem.com 0

Network News / Updates

UnrealIRCd 6 / Anope 2.0.11

The XeroMem IRC Network Routing Team has performed major software updates on the network.  Here’s a quick update: UnrealIRCd v5.0.9 […]